Have you seen these two amazing neighbors?

Alan and Kate Krob

Alan and Kate Krob

Kathy Gorchesky

Have you seen these two amazing neighbors?

Alan and Kate Krob can be spotted most mornings on Tuscany Falls side of PebbleCreek. They do their morning walk and pick up trash along the way. They have been observed darting from side to side on the roads, pointing out trash like they have found a rare bird, identifying the trash and then collecting it in the bags that accompany them on their daily walks. Their daily practice has been done on the streets of Tuscany since 2008!

This amazing couple has been married for 47 years and has lived in PebbleCreek since 2007. They have been keeping the busy construction side of Tuscany free of trash for over eight years!

When asked why they do it, Kate replied with a smile, “We just like to keep it beautiful.” Alan proudly stated, “This is our community and we want to keep it beautiful.”

What wonderful neighbors these two are; when you see them on their walk, please thank them.

Unit 61 thanks you and salutes you!