PebbleCreek Rug Hookers at April party on Karen’s patio; Monika Jones, June Bennett, Barb Mauer and Sally Holmboe
Dee-Dee Patrick
It’s that time of year again – when friends, neighbors and club members say “safe travels” to those who spend summers elsewhere and “see you in the fall” to one another. Like other groups, the Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek saw their attendance begin to diminish around mid-April. Each week is the last group of the season for some members. Knowing this is an annual migration, our club president Karen Lubahn planned ahead and hosted a Good-Bye to Snowbirds potluck buffet. She stated we were to bring heavy appetizers in her email, and boy did we! The spread could have easily fed most of PebbleCreek! Among the delectable items were Bok Choy salad, marinated shrimp, brie, quiche, barbequed chicken wings and stuffed clams.
Next year we will limit the quantity and depth of choices unless we all plan to begin meeting at the Fitness Center in the mornings!
Our membership has grown substantially over the last couple of seasons. In addition, a couple of hookers converted to full-time residential status which will boost attendance during the summer months. Even with the increase in size, we remain a close knit group who enjoy one another’s stories, experiences (life and craft related) and share anecdotes. We accomplish a lot more than hooking wool when we gather.
The Rug Hookers will continue to meet every Monday afternoon from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. throughout the summer in the Fiber Arts Room in the Creative Arts Center. For further information contact our current club President Karen Lubahn at [email protected] or phone her at 623-935-9045.