Rovin’ Pebbles at Quartzite!

Wagon Masters

What happens at Quartzite doesn’t stay at Quartzite!

The Rovin’ Pebbles (PebbleCreek’s RV club) recently headed to Quartzite, Ariz. We had a fun though sometimes very windy stay at the Rice Ranch RV Park. Our days included individual trips to local establishments and attractions, as well as many visits to the Annual Quartzite RV Show for viewing exhibits in the “Big Tent,” attending workshops, spending time at “adult daycare” for some music and liquid refreshments, and perusing outdoor booths for a variety of art, crafts, RV items, etc. In addition to all this, we were given the task of a scavenger hunt to find many fun things and spend time in and around town.

Everyone contributed to making our first night Italian potluck a great successdelizioso! Other evening meals included Happy Hours and a final night Wagon Master hosted Luau‘ono! There were also morning gatherings around the coffee pot and evening times around the campfire. It was a wonderful trip with much time to relax, see new things, and get together with a great bunch of people! We all really appreciated Nancy and Bill Huber’s special hospitality hosting us in their RV when weather prevented eating outdoors.

For more information about Rovin’ Pebbles, contact Mark Yadgir, president, at 623-398-4584.