Member-Guest Committee: Front row (left to right): Kittie Day, Chris Cook, Karen Poturalski, Claudia Tiger, Chanca Morrell; Back row: Donna Havener, Carolyn Suttles, Pat Laatsch, Linda Glazar, Debbie Sayre; Not pictured: Alice Lewis, Liz Mitchell, Sheri Sears.
Deanna Mendiola
The 2019 PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association Member-Guest Tournament Committee is very busy working to finalize details for the 24th annual event. Kittie Day is the chair and her committee members are Alice Lewis, Karen Poturalski, Claudia Tiger, Chris Cook, Debbie Sayre, Donna Havener, Linda Glazar, Sheri Sears, Liz Mitchell, Carolyn Suttles, Pat Laatsch and Chanca Morrell.
Activities start on Sunday, April 7 with registration and an optional “horse race” for players, along with dinner featuring rock and roll music and dancing in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Tournament play begins Monday morning, April 8 and ends with an early evening “burger, beer and bingo” get-together (optional). Tournament play ends, Tuesday, April 9 followed by an awards luncheon to celebrate and thank guests and recognize team winners.
The annual PCLGA member-guest has proven to be a great opportunity for the PCLGA to showcase our beautiful golf courses and facilities to guests; good luck to all of the participants!