PCLGA Roadrunners Travel Team, front row (left to right): Andrea Dilger, Amber Rivera, Cindy Sota, Marilyn Reynolds, Kathy Hubert-Wyss (co-captain), Monica Lee, Ellen Enright (co-captain); Back row: Shari Sears, Mary Harris, Kittie Day, Layne Sheridan, Sarah Marsh; Not pictured: Sharon Hadley
Deanna Mendiola
Each year PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) players commit to represent PebbleCreek as members of a PebbleCreek Roadrunners traveling team. Ellen Enright and Kathy Hubert-Wyss are the co-captains of the PebbleCreek Roadrunners for the 2018-2019 season. Team members are Amber Rivera, Andrea Dilger, Cindy Sota, Ellen Enright, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Kittie Day, Layne Sheridan, Marilyn Reynolds, Monica Lee, Mary Harris, Sarah Marsh, Sharon Hadley and Sheri Sears.
The Roadrunner League is a highly competitive league with teams from eight different clubs across the greater Phoenix area. The 2018-2019 schedule is as follows: December 3, Wildfire; December 10, Tonto Verde; January 14, Desert Mountain; January 21, Superstition Mountain; February 4, Red Mountain Ranch; February 18, Anthem; March 25, Briarwood; April 1, PebbleCreek.
During the season, play rotates among the eight clubs, with each team hosting a match. For each event, eight PebbleCreek team members with the current lowest handicaps are selected to form four, two-person teams and compete against the other teams in the league. The maximum handicap allowed for a player in this league is 18. The format is a four ball stroke play (better ball of partners).
Throughout the eight-event season a running tally of scores is kept by the league for both low gross and low net. After the final match at PebbleCreek on April l, there will be a reception to announce and award a traveling plaque to the low gross and low net winners for 2018-2019.
Good luck, PebbleCreek Roadrunners!