From left to right: Roy Azzarello, PCRC Secretary; Linda Migliore, PCRC President; Bill MacKenzie, Evening Moderator; Sine Kerr, AZ State Representative; Bari Cavallo, PCRC Vice President; Clint Hickman, Maricopa County Supervisor and JoAnne Osborne, AZ State Representative
Liz Gibson
The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed members and invited guests to the Thursday, December 6 meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Social time began at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting following at 7:00 p.m.
The beautiful Christmas tree was filled with paper ornaments with requests from needy children from Luke Airforce Base written on the back. Everyone was encouraged to take one or several of the ornaments as part of Luke’s Operation Thunderbird “Adopt a family for Christmas” and fill the gift requests.
The program began with Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman presenting great information on many aspects of the functioning of Maricopa County, including voting issues. This was followed by a lengthy question and answer period.
Moderator Bill MacKenzie then led a panel discussion with questions to State Senator Sine Kerr and newly elected State Representative Joanne Osborne. The panel featured “Reflections on 2018 and the Future” and the questions were not given ahead so all the opinions were off the cuff. Again, there was a lively Q & A period which followed.
It was both a festive and informative meeting with wonderful audience participation.