Left to right: Social Chair Dorie Hedien, President Linda Migliore, Brent Backus, speaker, Greg Long (member) and Jeffrey Fischer, Nominating Committee
Liz Gibson
The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed members and invited guests to the Thursday, October 5 meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. A Social Time began at 6:30 and the meeting following at 7:00 p.m. There was a complimentary snack table, provided through members’ dues, inside the ballroom.
We were delighted to welcome Brent Backus, Legislative Outreach, Arizona, and registered lobbyist for the Tenth Amendment Center as the speaker following the business meeting.
The Tenth Amendment Center is a national think tank that works to preserve and protect the principals of strictly limited government through information, education and activism. The Center serves as a forum for the study and exploration of the state and individual sovereignty issues, focusing primarily on the decentralization of federal government power.
Following the presentation there was, as always, a lively Q & A session.
The PCRC has enjoyed a tremendous response this year to our informative programs and is looking forward to our highlight evening Thursday, November 2 at the eighth annual Veterans Day Dinner.