Left to right: Wayne Moore, Paul Rubsam, Mike Siegel, speaker, Jon Schofield, treasurer, Jeri Cabrera, Bari Cavallo, vice president and Linda Migliore, president
Liz Gibson
The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed about 100 members and guests to the Thursday, May 4 meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Social time began at 6:30 p.m. with a cash bar and the meeting followed at 7:00 p.m. There was a complimentary snack table, provided through members’ dues, inside the ballroom.
During the meeting President Linda Migliore welcomed our brand new members and gave further information on the club’s trip to Dallas in October visiting the Bush Library, Dallas, San Antonio and much more.
The program was presented by Mike Siegel, a conservative/libertarian, who covered head-on many of today’s main issues. It was a good reality check on how we receive our news from often-slanted information from the mainstream media. Of particular interest was his insight into the many destructive riots occurring throughout the U.S. and the organizations and funding which are perpetuating these actions.
Mr. Siegel’s deep and varied experience includes public school teacher, Professor of Communications at Emerson College in Boston, consultant in a drug rehab program in Boston, communications consultant in business and industry and formerly a practicing attorney.
Mike Siegel fielded a number of questions following the presentation and remained afterward to answer many more from individuals.
Members are reminded to pay their annual dues so they will not miss the many upcoming events starting in September. There will be no programs during the summer. The next meeting will be Thursday, September 7.