Left to right: Judge David Osterfeld; Chris Herring, Chairman Maricopa County Republicans; Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, candidate for 8th Congressional District; Linda Migliore, PCRC President; Roy Azzarello, PCRC Secretary; Bob Parks, PebbleCreek HOA Board VP; Ken Fuellbier, AZ Republican Party Field Director.
Liz Gibson
The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed more than 160 members and invited guests to the Thursday, October 4 meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Social time began at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting followed at 7:00 p.m.
Following the invocation by Chaplain Tom Chapman and Pledge of Allegiance led by HOA VP Bob Parks, President Linda Migliore reminded everyone about the annual Veterans Day dinner and program Thursday, November 1 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. This is always a wonderful, moving tribute to our veterans of many wars.
There were dynamite presentations by two young and enthusiastic Republican party leaders: Chris Herring, Maricopa GOP Chairman and Ken Fuellbier, Regional Field Director for the Arizona Republican Party. Chris, who founded the Maricopa Young Republicans in 2015, and Ken, whose large job takes him to all corners of the county, discussed, among many subjects, the value of volunteers working in this record-breaking primary election year, one of the most important primary elections of our lifetime. There was a lengthy question and answer session following their presentations.
We were also pleased to welcome Congresswoman Debbie Lesko who gave us a good insider look at the coming primary and she, too, answered the many questions from the membership.
Once again, the PCRC presented a timely and informative program. It was wonderful to get such a positive response from the members and guests who added to the evening with their thoughtful questions regarding the current political scene in Arizona.