Members purchasing signed copies of Barry Webb’s book Confessions of an (Ex) NSA Spy.
Liz Gibson
More than 120 members and guests attended the October 6 monthly meeting of the PebbleCreek Republican Club in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom.
Following the formal meeting there was a terrific and informative program by speaker Barry Webb, author of Confessions of an (Ex) NSA Spy: Why America and its allies are losing the War on Terror. Mr. Webb not only spent 25 years as an Arabic language translator/analyst for the NSA and other government agencies, but has two MA degrees in related subject matter and has spent the last several decades reading the Qur’an from front to back and monitoring the rise of radical Islam in the Middle East.
The PowerPoint presentation, entitled Islamic Prophecies, Terrorism and Governmental Connections to Radical Islam, fostered a long and lively Q & A session with many discussions and questions continuing during his book signing.
The popular Veterans Day Dinner November 3 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom will feature a salute to PCRC veterans in a digital presentation. Veterans in uniform will be honored from WWII, the Korean War and Viet Nam. Always entertaining Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be a speaker at the event.
A new party is in the offing. Boots and Diamonds, the first of what will probably be an annual event, will be held February 4 with featured band Justin Wright and his High Octane band that many have seen and heard at Waddell’s Longhorn. Details will follow.