Inducting the Republican Club’s newest officers (photo by Todd Young)
Patricia Moore
Our Celebrating the Holidays dinner/dance on Dec. 7 was a rousing success as the Tuscany Falls Ballroom came alive with the music of PebbleCreek’s own band, The Big Dogs. That night our club was proud to induct our 2024-25 Vice President Vicki Streeter and our 2024-25 Secretary Karen Stadjuhar. Vicki was officially elected to the position after having been appointed vice president for 2023 to fill the vacancy when Patricia Moore was elected president. It will be wonderful to have Vicki continue in this role as she has played an integral part in the success of our club in 2023, especially in planning and hosting our James T. Harris event and again heading up our Luke Air Base Gift Card Program, which has been a great success in providing these young service members with the resources they need to provide for themselves and their families.
We also welcome Karen as a new officer of our Executive Board, and we are excited to have her join us. We know she will add another dimension to our outstanding team. We are looking forward to a very busy and productive year in 2024 with the upcoming presidential election as well as hosting the many candidates who will be running for state and federal house and senate seats, City of Goodyear council positions, and other various state and local positions.
If you know Vicki and Karen, please congratulate them for being elected to serve in these two important positions for our club!