Taking the sound equipment out of the theater

Packing up props and furniture that are kept in the back stage area of the Renaissance Theatre
Laurie Farquhar
What started out as a wistful dream for PebbleCreek’s performing arts community is on its way to becoming a reality. The project to expand the backstage area of the Renaissance Theatre broke ground in May after a two year campaign to raise awareness of the need for the expansion and to obtain the funds to pay for it.
In early 2014, the Performing Arts Council (PAC) approached the HOA Board with an idea to construct a larger back stage to make it safer and more functional for everyone who uses it. Mr. Ed Robson came on board with the proposal a few months later, offering to pay a significant portion of the $350,000 price tag. The HOA Board and PAC then agreed to share the remaining costs and, thanks to donations from more than 400 individuals and businesses, PAC raised over $120,000 to cover its financial commitment to the project. This amount includes money to pay for furnishings and additional equipment needed back stage. Carolyn Weese who, along with Jeff Buda, headed PAC’s fundraising efforts said, “It was truly very heartwarming to see how quickly it was raised. We are very grateful for every gift that was given to help realize a dream.”
After finishing their spring productions in early May, the four PAC clubs – PC Players, ShowTime, PC Musicians and PC Singers – cleared out the Renaissance Theatre. Back stage items such as music stands, benches and other furniture were trucked to a storage unit, while the delicate lighting and sound equipment was carefully dismantled and packed it away. Tech Team member Jerry Younker says over the summer months the Tech team “will be working on the equipment and making some modifications to further enhance the operation of the sound and lighting equipment once it is returned to the theater.”
But it is not just the back stage area that is getting a facelift. The HOA is taking this opportunity to proceed with its planned renovation of the front of the theater. This includes new seating, carpeting, lighting and curtains, along with a fresh coat of paint. Everything is scheduled to be completed no later than November 1.
So for PebbleCreekers who love to be on the stage, behind the scenes or in the audience, it will be a dream come true when the new Renaissance Theatre re-opens this fall.