Protecting Our Election and Our Border

Christopher Escobedo with a gentleman

Jenna Ridgeway

The PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) had another overflow event with approximately 300 people in attendance (on the first night of NFL football). State Representative Steve Montenegro led the Pledge of Allegiance. Member Stanley Boch gave an inspiring Invocation. PCRC President Patricia Moore reminded everyone about the Bonus Meeting on Sept. 21 at Eagles Nest to pick up the “Golden Ticket,” to sign up for the Veterans Dinner on Nov. 7, and that we are currently at 763 members, 148 of whom are veterans. It was also announced that the club will be sending veteran Walt Saal as our club’s representative on the three-day Honor Flight experience to Washington, D.C., in September. This was made possible by our monthly 50/50 raffle.

Dignitaries in attendance at the meeting included: Steve Montenegro, Mayor Joe Pizzillo, Vice Mayor Laura Kaino, Trey Terry, James Taylor, and past club president Sue Harrison.

Christopher Escobedo, President Trump’s Arizona Campaign Coordinator, led the evening’s presentation with the introduction of “TrumpForce 47” and how the AZ GOP plans to get out the vote. He explained how they are recruiting thousands of volunteers to protect the vote, having attorneys assist in the legalities, and assigning captains duties in their precincts.

Jaeson Jones, an internationally renowned expert on Border Intelligence, was then introduced. Jaeson has decades of experience policing the borders, dealing with the Mexican Cartels, and saving lives related to border crossings. His firsthand experience has established him as an expert on the ongoing threat of transnational crime and our unsecured border. He presented slides and several videos revealing what is really going on at the border and within the United States. These Mexican cartels are assisting the illegal aliens to get into the country, identifying them and where they originated, and then requiring these illegals to go into servitude for the cartels all over the U.S. or they and their families will be compromised. These cartels are armed with military grade weapons. They control all the drugs flowing into the U.S. and with the money they make from the drug and trafficking trade, these gangs have the funds to fight each other and anyone getting in their way. He said 112,000 Americans have already lost their lives to these cartels. Jaeson appealed to the audience to contact their legislators to designate these cartels as “Terrorist Organizations” as they are already in the United States and not just on the southern border. He stated that if they were acknowledged as such, Homeland Security would have the money and authority to share intelligence globally, remove these factions, and stop the flow of fentanyl and human trafficking.