Pounds off!

Melissa Kallett

If you are like me the winter months took a toll on your body and now with summertime shorts on the horizon, you are looking for a sure fire way to take the winter weight off. The answer is at your Tuscany Falls Fitness Studios with the WellBeats Pounds Off eight week workout plan. It doesn’t get any simpler.

The WellBeats, virtual exercise classes, are available to you any time the Fitness Studio No. 1 is not in use for live instructor led classes (schedule handout available at all fitness facilities and online at the HOA website). That means—typically any afternoon. And for the months of May and June you are encouraged to take part in this Pounds Off pre-programmed workout plan. Just follow the published daily schedule of classes and after eight weeks—you should be a slimmer, trimmer, more fit person. I’m certainly going to commit to this and give it a try.

Each day you’ll engage in a different WellBeats offering of 20 to 50 minutes duration in the disciplines of Body Definition, Kinetics and Core classes. Program in the class and follow the instructor in the video. It’s that simple. Ask your friends to join you (men and women) and make it a priority of your day. After eight weeks—let’s compare results!