Popular Trips Return in December


Timothy Pisarski

After several sold-out trips this fall, LifeLong Learning (LLL) had a few openings left at press time for November trips and recommends early registration at www.lifelonglearningatpc.org for the December trips, which return to popular venues.

The nearly sold-out November trips are:

Nov. 16: Martin Auto Museum and Flite Goodyear operations at Goodyear Airport.

Nov. 30: An exploration of two different religions through a visit to a Sikh temple, followed by a visit to Arizona Jewish Historical Society at Phoenix’ original, restored synagogue.

The December trips are:

Dec. 6: Organ Stop Pizza and Mormon Temple Christmas Lights. To help celebrate the Christmas season, LLL again transports PebbleCreek residents to Mesa for an evening that includes dinner and an organ concert at Organ Stop Pizza, plus viewing a spectacular Christmas light display at the Mormon Temple.

Dec 13: Arizona Culinary Institute—Teaching Artistry in French Cooking. Arizona Culinary Institute (ACI) teaches traditional, proven, French-Method cooking skills, combined with the best modern techniques. ACI students learn in this excellent, private Scottsdale facility that is staffed by experienced, dedicated chefs and administrators. It’s an opportunity to see firsthand where tomorrow’s chefs learn their craft and to dine on their culinary creations.