Greetings from Thunder!
Thunder (mom, Jill Christensen) is a fairly new resident to PebbleCreek and like most residents, he has never been happier.
Thunder’s father (Grand Champion Clabacoon’s Wild Siren) was born in Rome, Italy, before he was brought to the United States to be bred. Thunder’s mother, Stordire Stardom of Abizaq, is also a Grand Champion from the Stordire Maine Coon Cattery in Colorado. It was there that Thunder was born in July 2015.
The Maine Coon is a large, domesticated cat breed. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. The Maine Coon cat has fur that resists water, allowing them to swim fast and be more equipped to handle cold, frigid temperatures. The Maine Coon, as its name suggests, comes from the state of Maine, which is known for harsh, cold winters. It is Maine’s official state cat and is known for its massive size, shaggy coat, long fluffy tail, and big tufted ears reminiscent of a bobcat. It is a large and social cat, which could be the reason why it has a reputation of being referred to as “the gentle giant.”
Thunder, weighs 22 pounds and lived in Denver, Colo., until 2022 when he moved temporarily to a rental in Litchfield Park, while his new house was being built in PebbleCreek. He moved into PebbleCreek in June 2023, where everything changed.
He can now go outside, thanks to a fenced-in yard, and his kitten personality has re-emerged. From chasing geckos to catching mice, chewing on flowers to sunbathing, PebbleCreek is a dream come true for Thunder (can’t we all relate?).
There’s even a life-size ceramic statue of Thunder in his yard made right here in the PebbleCreek Arts & Crafts Studio. His personality can be described as curious, loving, needy, adventurous, troublemaker, and playful. And when you are most in need of a friend, he always seems to know to go by your side.
Thunder has four pet sitters in the community, due to his high standards: non-stop treats (he has seven flavors in rotation right now), needing wet food twice a day, and wanting the company of people anytime he is not sleeping. He would like to thank everyone in the community who has welcomed him with open arms, watched him, pet him, played with him, brushed him, and most of all fed him. And he would especially like to thank his caregivers: Jerry, Rochelle, Dana, and Debbie.
Thunder purrs non-stop. He’s living his best life in PebbleCreek.

Dusty and Shadow
Meet Dusty and Shadow
Hello! We are Dusty and Shadow. Our Mom and Dad think we are mostly Russian Blues but our past is a bit murky so we aren’t sure. Anyway we lived the first 10 years of our lives with a lovely man but he had to go into a home so we came to PebbleCreek to our new family in April 2023. Our new parents were very sad as they had just had to say goodbye to their 18–year–old cat and 16–year–old dog. But we cheered them up!
We are brothers and like all brothers, sometimes we love each other and sometimes we don’t. Dusty tends to be a bit of a bully at times but Shadow can take care of himself. We are also quite large, weighing in at 16 and 17 pounds respectively. We love to sleep a lot but we also play. We have many toys but our favorite is when Dad gets out the laser pointer. We can’t figure out how it disappears and reappears again.
In September Shadow had to have some teeth out as the vet said they were hurting him. He wasn’t a happy camper but he has healed well and seems to be able to eat just fine. With our first family, we were indoor cats but our new parents let us out in the backyard from time to time. We have smart jackets to wear so they can see us easily. Shadow hates his! We are never alone out there as we have heard there are wild critters around that might eat us but we love lying around in the sun and shade dreaming of catching one of those pesky birds we hear.
We think we lucked out pretty good at adopting Josh and Gillian. They generally do what we want and look after us. We only get shouted at if we jump on the kitchen counter or scratch the furniture instead of our scratching posts. We think we will stay in PebbleCreek!