Pet of the Month: Here’s Batman!


Patricia Glasmann

Batman is the sweetest little dog that I have ever known! He is an 8-year-old handsome 13 pound black/silver Shih Tzu. He loves squeaky toys and is very possessive of his belongings. He knows every single toy in his overflowing toy box. He loves his daily morning walks and looks forward to meeting other dogs and greeting fellow PebbleCreekers. He enjoys the occasional trip to the dog park as well.

Batman’s favorite pastimes are watching bunnies run, playing with his toys, chasing tennis balls, napping, and watching TV. He is a sucker for a good Westernthe more horses and dogs, the better! He also gets pretty excited watching Lassie Come Home” and runs for a squeaky toy when Lassie cries.

He loves when Amazon delivers a package and waits with bated breath for me to announce whose it is. If it’s for him, he races me to the kitchen and waits for the drawer to open so the scissors can come out to open the box!

Batman leads the way to the bedroom each night at 9 p.m. sharp and waits at the side of the bed to be lifted up. He gets tucked in, covered up, and kissed goodnight. In the morning, he is excited to announce that it’s time to get up at 5:30 a.m.after all, we’ve got a walk to take, a neighborhood of smells to explore, and another day of love and happiness to share together.