Pet of the Month


My name is Tweesa. I’m a mixed breed female dog. I’m told that I’m part Jack Russell Terrier and part Chihuahua. Does that make me a Jackhuahua? I think it just makes me a dog. Anyway, I live on the Tuscany Falls side of PebbleCreek with the rest of my pack, which includes Samantha (a female cat), Carol (the alpha female human) and Jim (a human who seems to be at the lowest end of the pack’s pecking order). I’ve been with my pack for about a year and a half now. Before that I was at the Sun Valley Animal Rescue Center. I don’t talk about my life before that, but I think that I had some troubling times. I’m a lot happier now that I’ve been adopted as a rescue. I’m housebroken (well, most of the time) but I like to chew a lot. That was a bit of a problem at first until my pack got me some Nyla-Bones and rawhide chews. They taste much better than the baseboards. I’m pretty settled in now. Samantha the cat thinks she’s the boss of me, but we get along for the most part. I like to take walks around the block and I get along with other dogs that I meet. I’m a little skittish around people though, especially around men. When people walk by, I kind of hang back and watch them go by, then run around behind them and give their shoes a bit of a sniff. But I get lots of smooches from Carol and hugs from Jim, so I like them a lot. I have my own backyard and I like to chase lizards and birds. But I haven’t caught any—yet. I don’t like it when it rains because I don’t like to walk around where it’s wet. But I do like to go out often and lay in the sun or on the warm patio stones on our back porch. Life is good here in Arizona!