Pet of the Month



My name is Zoe! I want to get one thing straight right up front. I do not like anyone except my mom whom I love fiercely. I am not shy about telling visitors they are not welcome and not to let the screen door hit them in the butt on their way out. Also, do not try to get on my good side with sweet talk or by trying to pet me. I have sharp teeth and I know how to use them.

I figure at seventeen I deserve to be an ornery old lady. At age ten, I was dumped at a shelter by the only family I had ever known because “their kids were grown and they didn’t have time for pets.” Come on! How much work is a cat? Anyway my mom, Lorna Anderson, read my bio and came to my rescue. Boy was I glad to get out of that place! You would not believe all the barking and meowing. Now I am an only child and I would not have it any other way. Seriously, she has tried, but I have managed to get rid of all other cats she has brought home. Therefore, I get to lick out all the yogurt and ice cream bowls by myself!

Now do not get the wrong idea about me. I am the most loving cat my mom ever had. Really! I love to be held over her shoulder like a baby and to snuggle with her early in the morning; sometimes earlier than she would like. It is also fun to lie on top of her when she is lying on the couch reading. I swear I have almost broken my purring motor a few times when she was giving me kisses. When it is just the two of us, I am the perfect cat. Oh sure, there was the time I was protecting our house up north and I would not let those dangerous people inside. How was I to know that our house was for sale and they were just trying to look at it? They could have been thieves or terrorists for Pete’s sake! And okay, there was that incident at the hotel in Kansas once, but that was not really my fault.

My mom is the luckiest cat owner in the world and fortunately she agrees with me. One of her friends said we will be telling “Zoe stories” long after she is gone. What does that mean? I love her and love it here. I am not going anywhere.