Pet Companions Club welcomes guest speaker April 3

Marge Ellison, Vice President

The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek is pleased to have Pat White, founder and director of Arizona Victims of Valley Fever, as guest speaker at our April 3, 2019, General Membership Meeting. We will meet at 3:00 p.m. in Room 100 of the Eagle’s Nest Activities Center.

All PebbleCreek residents, whether club members or not, are invited to attend this very important and informative meeting. There is no charge.

Arizona Victims of Valley Fever is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to support a cure for this life-threatening disease which affects not only humans but many animals. This group works closely with the Valley Fever Center for Excellence at the University of Arizona Medical School in Tucson. At this research facility they have made progress toward the development of a vaccine to prevent Valley Fever in dogs. For every cat contracting Valley Fever, 50 dogs will get the disease. Among those other animals also at risk are horses and alpacas.

Pat White’s Valley Fever presentation will cover such areas as: where a victim contracts it, what are its symptoms, how is it diagnosed and the treatments for it.

As usual, there will be a box available for donations of such pet related items as: cages, crates, dog/cat food (check expiration dates), pet toys, leashes, collars, towels, etc. Any items not used for our own PebbleCreek rescues will be donated to other local animal shelters.

Please address any questions to Jim or Marge Ellison at 623-935-6651.