Dale Sevig with mask in the Yup’ik tradition.
Dale Sevig is one of many accomplished woodcarvers in the PebbleCreek Woodcarvers Club. Dale carves many different subjects and recently completed a mask based on an exhibit at the Heard Museum called Yua: Henri Matisse and the Inner Arctic Spirit. The exhibit looked at how Henri Matisse was influenced by Yup’ik (Alaskan Natives) masks. The exhibition contained artwork by Matisse, Yup’ik masks and their cultural artifacts. See: https://heard.org/exhibits/matisse/.
These masks were part of the Yup’ik people’s belief system and were made uniquely for tribal members based on their shaman’s instructions to the carver. The mask consists of a stylized face surrounded by small totems that represent power and attributes of the individual and as a way to give thanks for their life. The masks were normally hung in a communal house where the tribe performed ceremonies.
Dale has lived in PebbleCreek for almost five years and started carving when he arrived. He carves with rotary tools and knives. His favorite subjects are Kachinas, Northwest Indian carvings and bowls.
Prospective members may sign up for the Beginner’s Class by October 1 or January 1 each year. The one-day class, which focuses on tool safety and how to carve a simple project, will be held around the middle of October or January respectively. The cost is $25. Class attendees will then have the option to join the club if there is continued interest. However, club membership is open only to PebbleCreek residents. Please contact Tom Wick if interested in attending a Beginner’s Class. Tom can be reached at 262-408-7355 or via email at [email protected]. Regular carving classes are held from October through April. The carving room is available for club members daily throughout the year, except for Thursday mornings when another club uses the room.