Robbi Lowe and Chris Pelikan
Kim Bowie
It is a tradition among woodcarvers to pass tools on from the master carver to a novice. Near the end of his life Norm Lubahn donated a lot of carving tools and wood to the PebbleCreek Woodcarving Club. One donation was a toolbox full of tools, including a power carving and wood burning set. He asked that it be given to a novice carver with a strong interest and commitment to his hobby.
Norm was born in Washington, spending most of his life there. He and his wife, Karen, bought in PebbleCreek in 1997 and became full time residents in 2006. The PC WoodCarvers were in their early years when Norm joined in 1998. He went on to be Woodcarver of the Year in 2010. Norm was known around the community for his woodcarving expertise and projects. There are numerous homes that have his wonderful playing card holders and Christmas art pieces, many of which were sold through the Art Centre Gallery.
Robbi Lowe was honored with Norm’s toolbox at a presentation in the Quail Room. Chris Pelikan, long time friend, neighbor, and fellow carver, and president Larry Matney spoke about both the tradition of passing on tools and about Norm‘s huge contribution to the club. They went on to talk about how Robbi has brought creativity, a strong interest, and commitment to carving as well as the warmth of friendship.
Robbi, who started carving in 2022, has become one of the regulars in the carving room. She has taken several classes and completed a number of carvings that she has displayed in her new home in PebbleCreek. Robbi and her husband, Charlie, moved here from Nebraska permanently in the summer of 2024 after a few years of snowbirding. They bought the house formerly owned by another influential carver, Robert Johnson. Fate it seems was guiding Robbi into her new passion.
Robbi shares many of the joys in life with Norm: creating, reading good books, and sharing life with friends, family, and a loving spouse. Norm loved to laugh and enjoy a laugh with others. Robbi brings this to the carving room as well.
Congratulations Robbi!