Members of the PebbleCreek Stingers Tennis Team enjoy a summer lunch at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse dining room. From left to right: Myrna Speckhard, Rena Chouinard, Dottie Kiley (captain), Karen Lodico (co-captain), Bert Miller, Jean Bee, and Jo Terry.
Norma Whitley
The summer months are almost past, bringing on autumn with lots of action on the tennis courts. Many of the tennis players have continued play during the hot summer months, and also took time to socialize at the PebbleCreek restaurants.
The Tennis Club monthly meeting will be held in the Tuscany Falls tennis hut on Wednesday, September 11, at 7:00 p.m. All tennis club members are welcome.
The September tennis social will take place on Friday, September 13, in the evening at the Tuscany Falls tennis complex. This will be an opportunity for club members to mingle and catch up with friends, while sharing moments about their summer travels and adventures. Please check the Tennis Club website at www.pebblecreektennis.org for updates and sign-up for this event.
The PebbleCreek Tennis Club is thankful for the repair and scheduled maintenance of the picturesque tennis courts over the summer months. The facilities department at PebbleCreek has a busy schedule with all that goes on in this community and works hard to keep the tennis complex and community beautiful.
Once again, new members who join the PebbleCreek Tennis Club in the fall for $30 can enjoy membership for the balance of 2019 through 2020. It is a great deal and opportunity to meet new people and participate in the “sport for a lifetime”.
If you would like to learn how to play tennis or are returning to tennis, the Tennis Club will be organizing lessons for beginners and advanced beginners again this fall. Lessons are conducted by a certified tennis instructor and will run for six weeks. Look for details in the October issue of the PebbleCreek Post, on the community bulletin boards at both Tuscany Falls and Eagle’s Nest, as well as on the Tennis Club website at www.pebblecreektennis.org.
For further information about the PebbleCreek Tennis Club, please contact President Dennis Whitley, at [email protected] or 917-865-8648.
See you on the tennis courts!