Left to right: Shawnee Robison, Judy Shaffer, Rhissa Pontrelli, Bobbie Ence, Judy Ashley and Kathy Weldon; photo by Anita Asp
Shawnee Robison
The PebbleCreek Singles Club is proud to present the Board of Directors for 2016! Left to right: Shawnee Robison, Publicity, Judy Shaffer, president, Rhissa Pontrelli, vice president, Bobbie Ence, secretary, Judy Ashley, treasurer and Kathy Weldon, Activities Director.
Our club is intent upon getting all the PebbleCreek Singles involved and enjoying all the events and activities that have been planned and are being thought of, for each month, of this brand new year!
Upcoming events scheduled are, A Day at The Races at Turf Paradise, Spring Training ballgame, Bocce for Fun party and Cowboy Cookout.
We are also looking forward to welcoming new members, new ideas, supporting new charities and just plain having fun as a PebbleCreek Single!
We would like to acknowledge and give a great big thank you to our very own Dan Miczek for all of his computer knowledge, expertise, dedication and love that he has put in creating and getting our new website up and running! Soooo—check it and us out today: pebblecreeksingles.com.
We singles wish you all, here in PebbleCreek, a wonderful and prosperous 2016!