The 2020 newly elected officers discuss plans for the upcoming year. From left to right are: President Judy Maloney, Vice President Lynne Johnson, Secretary Gail Montgomery, Treasurer Cheryl Tiffany, Publicity Director Jan Hansen, Co-Activity Director Kathy Weldon, Webmaster Tom Condit, and Co-Activity Director Sheldon Tencer.
Jan Hansen
The PC Singles Club recently installed officers for the new year and are once again ready for fun, activities, and service to the community. The purpose of the club is to provide a venue for single residents of PebbleCreek to plan, organize, and promote social and recreational activities to be enjoyed with the company of other singles. All single PebbleCreek residents, full or part time, are invited and welcomed to join.
Each year, the club adopts a charity to support as part of their community service. Currently the club has four charities under consideration for 2020. Members will vote to determine the charity of choice, which will be announced at the January meeting.
The PC Singles Club is a social (not a dating) club. Monthly activities include Pictionary, happy hour, bowling, golf, bocce, various game nights, and brunch and a movie. Special social activities are planned and then added to the calendar every month. The club meets on the first Sunday of the month in the Tuscany Ballroom at 3 p.m. New member registration begins at 2:15 p.m. A social gathering follows the meeting at the adjacent Long Drive Lounge. More information is available on the website at www.pcsingles.org.