Juergen Buehring, Gino Ranalli, Tony Monzo, Ken Copps, Rudy Talts and Leon Looney

Hopi Billiard Den (Kiva Club at Trilogy at Vistancia)
Rudy Talts
On July 19, 2017 six members of the PebbleCreek Pool Sharks Group traveled to the Trilogy at Vistancia campus in Peoria. We were competing against members of the Trilogy pool group in one of our semi-annual matches. The match took place at their main activities center, the Kiva Club. Their pool room (the Hopi Billiard Den) is almost three times the size of the space currently allocated at PebbleCreek, with three tables for play. Two of the side walls in the Billiard Den are floor to ceiling glass.
The pool play competition between PebbleCreek and Trilogy has been going on for over two years. Their team has been to PebbleCreek twice and we Creekers have been to their facilities two earlier times. Our group coordinator is Juergen Buehring, who at one time lived at Trilogy. The other five members of the PC team consisted of Ken Copps, Leon Looney, Tony Monzo, Gino Ranalli and Rudy Talts.
The competition consisted of five rounds where each round consisted of three two-person teams from each side playing the opposing two-person teams (playing a total of 15 games, for a total of 45 points); however, only a total of four rounds were played due to time constraints for a possible total of 36 points. The fifth round would have started well past 1:00 p.m. and most of the players were ready for lunch.
The scores between the teams stood at 18 wins each! What a great place to make THE critical decision and we unanimously made it—’battle it out’ another day. We all parted as friends, but promising ourselves to do better next time; thinking of that possible winning shot each of us should have made. A good time was had by all.