The Hallelujah Girls ticket take-off date is almost here
“They say that the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic.” Let’s hope there is some truth to this quote from American comedian Steven Wright, because it’s anticipated that PebbleCreek’s streets may resemble the freeway during rush hour when tickets for PebbleCreek Players Community Theater’s (PC Players) presentation of The Hallelujah Girls go on sale at the Renaissance Theatre on Saturday, February 7 at 8:00 a.m. The concern is that while there are approximately seven thousand people currently residing here in PebbleCreek, there are only about 1,300 seats available at the theater over the four night performance period of March 11, 12, 13 and 14. This mathematical predicament leaves no doubt that things could be a little hectic here come February 7.
So why are ticket sales expected to take off? Well, it could be that residents are aware of the overwhelming success of PC Players’ past productions, coupled with the fact that someone let it slip out into cyberspace space, PebbleCreek’s eGroup, that The Hallelujah Girls has been a huge success and favorite in community theater around the country. Written by jokesmith extraordinaires Jessie Jones, Jamie Wooten and Nicholas Hope, critics have called this play poignant and playful, thought provoking and outrageously funny.
The Hallelujah Girls is directed by Lee Vilensky and assistant director Shirley Robinson. The time is the present. The action takes place in a small town in rural Georgia in a formerly abandoned church turned day spa. Six women of a certain age say goodbye to an old friend and hello to an uncertain future. They’re joined in their journey by two men who imagine—and it might be hard to believe that men could ever think this about themselves—that they are at the center of the universe. Humor abounds even as serious life-choices are made. These sometimes crazy and seemingly disparate characters ultimately join forces, fitting together as perfectly as the pieces of a puzzle. If you’re a fan of The Golden Girls or Steel Magnolias, you don’t want to miss The Hallelujah Girls.
After the ticket sales take off at the Renaissance Theatre the morning of February 7, should there be any remaining tickets available, they’ll be sold at the kiosk in the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning beginning February 9. May I suggest that you move your active adult selves faster than the speed of light at ticket take off time because, while the universe may be expanding, your chance for a ticket to The Hallelujah Girls could end up being swallowed by a black hole.
Opportunity knocks
Do you now, or did you ever, play a musical instrument? If so, the PebbleCreek Musicians would like to talk with you. For more information contact Bruce Birnel at [email protected]. Indicate what instrument you play, for how long you played, playing experience (bands, solos, etc.) and if you can read music.
Burst of Music VIII
Laurie Farquhar
Bring together a lover of country music, a fan of Rock and Roll and the classics sounds of the PebbleCreek Big Band and you have the makings of another fantastic Burst of Music show presented by the PebbleCreek Musicians.
Chanca Morrell is well known for directing some of ShowTime’s most popular musical revues, such as the recent Celebrating Ed Sullivan. She can also be found most Wednesday evenings at Karaoke, but she never thought she would have an opportunity to be in a Burst of Music production. After watching last year’s show she says, “I thought to myself this is something I would like to do—(but) I never said a word to anyone,” so she was thrilled to receive an invitation from PC Musicians Director Bruce Birnel.
Chanca is looking forward to the challenges of performing with a live orchestra and to singing a different style of music. “I grew up with Rock and Roll and actually my favorite music is Country. My husband is a lover of Big Band and I thought he might enjoy hearing me do these songs.”
Barry Jeannelle is best known for hosting the weekly Karaoke as well as performing in several ShowTime productions. He began “crooning as a youngster and right after graduating from high school started singing with Rock and Roll bands.” Besides Rock and Roll, he also enjoys Motown and Country music. About 20 years ago he and his wife, Win Dean, combined their singing talents and began performing at wedding receptions, birthdays and unit parties here in PebbleCreek.
For Burst of Music VIII, Barry will perform a couple of numbers made famous by Tom Jones, one of the most popular singers from the 1960’s and 70’s. One of the songs, Love Me Tonight, is not well known but Barry says, “since listening to this number it has grown on me for sure.”
Besides performing with Chanca and Barry, the PC Big Band will play selections made popular by Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman and The Temptations. Of course the evening would not be complete without some comedy and once again ventriloquist Jerry Layne and friend will emcee the show.
Burst of Music VIII will run three nights from Thursday, March 26 to Saturday, March 28 in the Renaissance Theatre. Tickets, which will be $15, go on sale Saturday, March 7. So if you love great music, be sure to mark your calendars and get tickets for an evening of classic Big Band mixed with a little Country and a little Rock and Roll.
Singers’ rehearsals resume
Donna Swagger
The PC Singers move forward in 2015 as they look back on some of the great songs of the past decades for their upcoming spring concert. Rehearsals began on January 12 when the chorus members received their music packets and practice CDs. With three weeks of full chorus practices under their belt, the Singers are ready to tackle the fine details of the songs in the dynamic repertoire. February marks the onset of section rehearsals as they work with their section leader and concentrate on learning notes, rhythms and difficult passages for their specific voice part. The Singers are practicing diligently, determined to deliver their signature first rate, professional performance!
Director Gail Kennedy has designed a program that is a musical journey through the decades, choosing hits from the 1930’s through the 1990’s. The concert opens with Earth, Wind and Fire’s 1975 hit, Sing a Song. The simple lyrics, “sing a song, it’ll make your day,” send a message about the power of song in our lives. The concert features songs from Broadway and the movies, rock n’ roll favorites, pop classics, gospel and inspirational selections, classical, dreamy ballads, a humorous novelty song and two a cappella numbers, composed and/or arranged by such greats as Rodgers and Hammerstein, Jerome Kern and Mark Hayes. There’s sure to be one or more of your favorites in this great musical selection!
Concert dates are Wednesday through Saturday, April 29 through May 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theatre. First day ticket sales will be on Saturday, April 4 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the theater. Put these dates on your calendar. You don’t want to miss this performance! v
Creative costuming for The Drowsy Chaperone

Satin and sequins are all in a day’s work as JoAnn Smyth, Lynne Carlyle and Kathy Luders create the costumes for The Drowsy Chaperone.
Laurie Farquhar
What is the best part of a musical? Is it the songs or the dancing or the story? For some audience members it is the costumes. They love to see lots of colorful and unusual outfits on stage. If you are crazy about unique and kooky costumes, then you are in for a treat when ShowTime presents The Drowsy Chaperone in April because this show includes monkeys, snake charmers and geishas, as well as period pieces from the Roaring 20s.
For the three main costume managers/designers in this show (Kathy Luders, Lynne Carlyle and JoAnn Smyth) the challenge is to create pieces that are fun and a bit wacky but at the same time, durable and easy to get on and off.
Kathy, who is in charge of costumes except for the dancers’ outfits, says finding period pieces and getting “the right color combination that works with everyone” has been her main challenge. She has used several outfits from ShowTime’s extensive costume closet but she has also contacted outside resources to see if they have some of the multiple pieces that are needed, such as uniforms for maids and butlers.
Lynne and JoAnn are working on the dancers’ costumes and being creative with older pieces has been their big goal. JoAnn notes, “Luckily, we’re going to be able to employ a combination of reusing costumes and retrofitting others as well as create new ones. This way we can conserve resources but still help bring each unique character to life.”
Lynne, who is creating the most unusual outfit in the entire show (let’s not give away this surprise!), says that “Design inspiration is as much function as look, so there is a bit of trial and error to construct something that will last through rehearsals and performances.” And in the case of the surprise outfit she has “contacted a costumer from another large scale production for some tips on how to accomplish what needs to be done.”
The Drowsy Chaperone is a hilarious musical within a comedy and, besides colorful and wacky costumes, it has unforgettable characters, zany songs and lots of fun dancing. The show runs six nights from Monday, April 13 to Saturday, April 18. Tickets go on sale Saturday, March 14 in the Renaissance Theatre. So if you think you would enjoy a musical that has dancing monkeys, singing gangsters and a roller skating bridegroom, be sure to mark your calendars because tickets for this production will likely sell out quickly.
Save the date
For those who like to plan ahead, here is the Performing Arts schedule for meetings, auditions and productions for spring, 2015.
Spring, 2015:
PC Players:
The Hallelujah Girls: Saturday, February 7, first day of ticket sales in the Renaissance Theatre, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Remaining tickets will be sold in the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Performance dates: Wednesday through Saturday, March 11, 12, 13 and 14
PC Musicians:
Burst of Music VIII: First day of ticket sales: Saturday, March 7 in the Renaissance Theatre, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Performance dates: Thursday through Saturday, March 26 to March 28.
The Drowsy Chaperone: First day of ticket sales: Saturday, March 14 in the Renaissance Theatre, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Performance dates: Monday, April 13 through Saturday, April 18.
PC Singers:
Spring Concert: First day of ticket sales: Saturday, April 4 in the Renaissance Theatre, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Performance dates: Wednesday, April 29 through Saturday, May 2.
The productions will sell tickets in the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk following first day of sales until all are sold. We publish the schedules of exact days and times closer to the events.