PC Players to entertain our grandchildren
KT Tanner
Ah…April in Arizona and the grandchildren are coming! No doubt they’re looking forward to fun in the sun with Grandma and Grandpa and the pool should be nice and warm. There are a lot of interesting, educational and exciting places to explore when your grandchildren are here.
Here’s another idea! PC Players’ Kids’ Connection will perform a story hour for children aged four through seven at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 18 and Tuesday, April 23. The one-hour program will be in the Tuscany Ballroom and will include a variety of stories, activities, visuals and fun facts about life in the desert. Each child must have an adult responsible for them at the program. To reserve your spot contact Pam Engel [email protected] or KT Tanner [email protected] with your name and total number in your group attending. These contacts must be made by noon the day before each of the programs.
We can’t wait to see you and your grandchildren April 18 or April 23. Remember to contact Pam or KT.
Next stop, River City
Melissa Kallett
Showtime will be bringing Meredith Wilson’s feel good musical, The Music Man to the PebbleCreek community in November 2019. You can be a part of this American classic which is often dubbed “the best loved Broadway musical of all time.” With memorable favorites such as 76 Trombones, Gary, Indiana, and Goodnight, My Someone, it’s sure to be hit here as well.
Auditions will be held March 11 and 14, with cast selection announced in April (following Showtime’s lively This Land is Your Land spring production). Rehearsals will begin August 19. There are a wide range of roles in the show, including comedic, non-singing supporting roles.
The script and the audition package are available now electronically (.pdf files you can download and print) by contacting the show’s producer, Patti Wegehaupt at 623-536-7233 or email [email protected]. She also has the music DVDs which will be used for the vocal portion of the audition. If you need a hard copy of the script and/or audition package you also can sign that out from Patti to copy at your own expense.
Strike up the band! The Wells Fargo wagon is a coming and we want you to be a part of the fun. Hope to see you at auditions next month!
Beginner tap class starts this month
Laurie Farquhar
When you watch the old Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies, do you sometimes wish that you had taken tap dance lessons when you were younger? It’s never too late to make that wish come true. Starting Wednesday, March 20, PebbleCreek’s own choreographer Karyn Horst will offer a beginner tap class for those who have either never danced before or who have not danced for many years.
The class will be at 1:00 p.m., immediately after the beginner jazz class, and will run about 45 minutes. All dance classes are at the Fitness Studios in Tuscany.
For more information about the beginner tap class, please contact Karyn Horst at 623-535-0587.
PC Singers rehearsals underway
Diane Piehl
Rehearsals have begun as the PC Singers prepare for “Sing Americana” performances April 25, 26 and 27. The chorus welcomes not only three new faces but several returning singers as well. Our alto section boasts two new singers, Joan Ausman and Elysa Luick, along with returning voices of Marlys Ross and Kathi Eckert. First soprano Karen Rugg returns along with a new bass, John Arpan. All are welcome additions to the chorus!
In the upcoming concert “Sing Americana” you’d probably expect a taste of American music, which is exactly what is to be enjoyed by concert goers. Because we sing, you’ll find a little bit of gospel, a tad of swing, unusual chording, some smooth velvety sounds and maybe, just maybe, a patriotic tune or two.
So, mark your calendars and save the date to attend one of the concerts performed by the PC Singers on April 25, 26, and 27 in the Renaissance Theater. Opening day of ticket sales is Saturday, March 30 in the Renaissance Theater from 8:00-10:00 a.m. with kiosk sales at Eagle’s Nest on Tuesday and Thursday beginning April 2.

Emotions run high as the jurors deliberate the fate of a young man accused of murder in PC Players’ Twelve Angry Jurors.
“Twelve Angry Jurors” opens this month
Laurie Farquhar
Opening night for PC Players’ production of Twelve Angry Jurors is just a few days away. Have you got your tickets? This classic American drama runs only four nights from Wednesday, March 6 to Saturday, March 9.
Tickets have been on sale for the past couple of weeks but there are still some good seats available. You can purchase them either online or in-person. To purchase online, go to the HOA website at www.pebbblecreekhoa.org. Click on “Things to Do” and scroll down to “Ticket Sales.” About halfway down the page is the link to purchase tickets. No log in is necessary; VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
In-person tickets are available on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., in the Renaissance Theater lobby. Tickets will also be available at the door on show nights starting at 6:30 p.m.
All tickets, whether purchased online or in-person, are $16.50.
If you have ever wondered what goes on in a jury room once all of the evidence has been presented to the court, then Twelve Angry Jurors is a must-see show. This play is a realistic depiction of a jury deciding the fate of a young man accused of murder. Come see whether the 12 jurors, six men and six women, from different backgrounds and experiences, can set aside their personal biases and emotions and endeavor to see that the defendant gets a fair trial. It is a basic right for all Americans but one that may not be so easy to achieve.