Pat Kaer
Red, White and Yellow is the New Blue
PebbleCreek Lady Niners celebrated the Fourth of July with a new twist on the traditional Fourth of July celebration. For the Red, White and Yellow is the New Blue Tournament, tee-off was from the red tees for par fours, white tees for par threes and yellow tees for par fives. Winners were awarded in three flights. Winners for Flight A were Donna Idso, Patty Greene, Pat Engelmann, Phyllis Lefebvre and Pam Smith. Winners for Flight B were Rosemary Holmes, Cheryle Pike, Pam Grimwood, Carol Miler and Janis Korba. Winners for Flight C were Cindy Gramm, Sharyl Perkett, Hattie Mulcahy, Pat Howard and Shirley Smith. All players were awarded with a Creamsicle treat that was distributed on the golf course.
Upcoming Events
The Lady Niners have many activities planned for the next year. The four big tournaments are Season Kick Off on November 15, a charity tournament on January 17, the Invitational Tournament on February 7 and the Member-Member Tournament on February 21 and 22. There will also be two Par Tee events, a Holiday Party, a Spring Fling, an ice cream social, a memorial event and a combined play day with the ladies of Sun City Grand. Away play is planned for the weeks that PebbleCreek is overseeding the golf course.
If you are interested in joining the Lady Niners, visit the web page at for a new member application or stop by the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop.