PCL9GA President Lynn Bishop-Pidcock, Vice-President Patty Greene and member Diana Berty are collecting money for the first two events — the fall Inter-Club Lady Niners Classic and an away play day at Falcon Dunes.
Pat Kaer
The Lady Niners are ready to begin a new season. October brings the Sun City Grand ladies to PebbleCreek for a fun day of golf and lunch. Away play is planned for two of the weeks that PebbleCreek is overseeding the golf course.
Upcoming Events
The Lady Niners have many activities planned for the next season. The four big tournaments are Season Kick Off on November 15, a Charity Tournament on January 17, the Invitational Tournament on February 7 and the Member-Member Tournament on March 21 and 22. There will also be two Par Tee events on January 29 and April 23, a Holiday Happy Hour Party with spouses or significant others on December 8 and a Spring Fling golf day on April 4.
If you are interested in joining the Lady Niners, visit the web page at PCL9GA.org for a new member application or stop by the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop.