Front Nine first place team: Marilyn Gense, Lupe McVeigh, Phyllis Lefebvre and Sue Jaffe

Back Nine first place team: Shellie Carbone, Sally Melzow, Pat Howard and Rosellen Buda
Pat Kaer, Publicity Co-Chair
On September 25, the PebbleCreek Lady Niners hosted a morning of golf with the lady nine-hole golfers from Sun City Grand. This is an annual event. Each club holds an invitational tournament every year and invites the other club to join. This year’s theme was Sun City Grand Fall Golf Blast. It took place at Eagle’s Nest Golf Course and Clubhouse. Each team consisted of two members from each of the two clubs. Lunch and awards followed golf.
The winners for the front nine were first place Marilyn Gense, Lupe McVeigh, Phyllis Lefebvre and Sue Jaffe; second place Cindy Gramm, Marilyn Eisenhut, Sharon McPherson and Susan Cox; third place Constance Angus, Sue Bartolotta, Susan Rhodes and Kathy Mitchell. The award for closest to the line went to Phyllis Lefebvre.
The winners for the back nine were: first place Shellie Carbone, Sally Melzow, Pat Howard and Rosellen Buda; second place Gerry Cwik, Thelma Svoboda, Monika Charlesworth and Judith Umbarger; third place Mary Jacobs, Denise McQuaid, Jean Cameron and Dee Reynolds. The award for closest to the line went to Jacque Monroe.
A new fun season for the Lady Niners is just starting. If you would like to join the PebbleCreek Lady Nine-Hole Golf Association, applications are available at the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop or on the website PCL9GA.org.