CAGD PCLGA players (from left) Jane Hee, Carolyn Suttles, Linda Thompson and Carol Sanders.

CAGD PCLGA winners Carolyn Suttles (left) and Jane Hee.

CAGD thanks PebbleCreek Rangers (from left) Richard White, Leroy Stenzel, Tom Reynolds, Don Burrows and Shawn Mayer.
Deanna Mendiola
Sixty-one ladies from around the valley came to PebbleCreek on September 24 to participate in the Central Arizona Golf District (CAGD) tournament, which was held on the Tuscany Falls golf course. It was a day with very hot and humid weather conditions; however, the players shared that the luncheon was pretty cool! PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) members volunteered to assist with check-in and special thanks go to the Tuscany Falls golf staff for providing support to make this an enjoyable event for all the participants. CAGD is all about meeting other golfers from around the central part of the state and enjoying the game of golf together on an amazing course. Tuscany Falls surpassed this goal!
Two PCLGA players, Jane Hee and Carolyn Suttles, won second place low net in their flight and were awarded golf certificates to use in the Pro Shop; congratulations! The last tournament of the year will be held on November 1 at Los Caballeros Golf Club in Wickenburg.