Left to right: Santa Claus, Chief Jerry Geier, Mrs. Claus and Wally Campbell, Chairman of PebbleCreek Home Tour Committee
Wally Campbell
After collecting all donations and ticket sales revenue, PebbleCreek Home Tour was successful this year in raising $9,395 for the City of Goodyear Shop With A Cop event which was held December 10. Goodyear Police Officers accompanied selected special children for a shopping experience at Walmart on Estrella Parkway. The children gathered at the Goodyear Municipal Courts Building early Saturday morning to have breakfast with their assigned officer. Santa was on hand to greet the children, hear their Christmas list and present each child with a gift card to be used at Walmart. A police motorcade brought the children to Walmart via driving by Cancer Treatment Centers of America where patients enjoyed seeing the motorcade pass by them. After the children arrived to shop, quickly filling their baskets, they excitedly shared their gifts with their families. This event was made possible by the very generous support of the residents of PebbleCreek who opened their homes for the tour, volunteered to be a host or hostess at each home and those who purchased tickets and made donations. The Home Tour Committee, Barbara Hockert, Charlotte Krause, Maggie Philippon, Judy Peterson, Wally Campbell and Day of Tour Assistants Barbara Ranta and Dorothy Kreps want to thank all of PebbleCreek for your support.