Fioretti’s take first place.

Second place went to Mike and Cher Zeman.

Linda and Steve Migliore snagged third place.
Cher Zeman
In December of 2014 some of us in Unit 64 noticed our homes looked more bah humbug than holiday spirit. As we are the most fun unit, we analyzed ways to bring holiday cheer to our homes. It needed to be a manageable project for snowbirds, those traveling and those unable or unwilling to coat their house in lights. The year 2015 goes down as the start of our first annual holiday mailbox decorating competition. The rules were simple enough. The mail carrier needed to be able to deliver mail and displays could not spill over onto the sidewalks impeding pedestrian traffic. And of course, decoration needed to go up after November 15 and come down before January 15 per the HOA rules.
So after Thanksgiving they started appearing. Day after day we saw more spirit shining through. Upgrades were made as homeowners thought of more possibilities or discovered another Christmas decoration box in the garage. Then the week before Christmas the three anonymous, impartial judges surveyed the results. The judges came during daylight hours for those mailboxes not illuminated and again at night for those that were. How, oh how to decide? There were bells, candy canes, trees and Santas. There were a Grinch, a snow village and a gingerbread house, too. There were bows and lights and angels everywhere. But in the end they came to a decision. First place went to Gene and JoAnn Fioretti for utilizing the brick of their mailbox as a chimney complete with Santa and his bag heading down. Second place went to Mike and Cher Zeman for their snow globe of a winter village scene. Third place went to Linda and Steve Migliore for their Santa going down the chimney—head first.
Selecting winners was difficult. The judges decided to add four honorable mentions: Bill and Monica Hahne for their holiday basket full of wrapped gifts. Bob and Betty Oswald received mention for turning their mailbox into a gingerbread house. Phil and Sherri Amack chose a penguin theme. And finally, Walt and Sherri Heitz got a nod for their arrangement of large ornaments topping their mailbox.
Each resident of our unit was able to enjoy the displays both during the day and again at night, when lights were illuminated. It was fun whether walking or driving. There was no bah humbug in Unit 64 this year.
And here is the challenge. We invite all of PebbleCreek to join us in decorating your mailboxes in December of 2016. Let the whole place shine with holiday spirit.