Left to right: Barb Boullear, Clare Bangs, Neal Wring, Ed Bobigian, Bill Halte, Pete Williams and Lynn Warren, photographer
Lynn Warren
Congratulations are in order for Pete Williams, president of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club, who needed just one more mile to reach a major milestone and on July 14, reached and passed 5,000 miles on a short hike with six other PC hikers in the Agua Fria National Monument at the Badger Springs exit on I-17 (this area is unique in that an interstate exit puts you right at the trailhead). Pete has been hiking with the club since 2006 and a quick calculation shows that he has averaged over 600 miles a year for eight years. The hiking club conducts hikes five days a week during the regular season (September to April) with a hike for almost every level of fitness and conducts two exploratory hikes a week during the summer. Visit the club’s website at pchikers.org for more information and pictures.