This is to introduce everyone in PebbleCreek (PC) to an exciting club to have a dinner and meet new people.
There will be several opportunities each month for the dinners. The dinners are intended for 8 people. In order for this type of event to work we will need host homes. We would hope that everyone who regularly attends the dinners would host at least once a year. These are meant to be casual dinners, so don’t be concerned if you can’t seat 8 people around a table. The dinners can be buffet style with people seated outside or on couches and chairs. The important part of a dinner is getting to know our PC residents!
The host will provide the main course and assign other food options to the guests who will be attending. Those will be in the form of a salad, vegetable, appetizer, dessert, etc.
Please contact either Melinda Kresek at 206-369-1132 or [email protected] or Lynne Marty at 509-539-0162 or [email protected].