PebbleCreek Community Church Gratefully Recognizes Deacon Board

Left to right, bottom row: Karen Stanley, Inge Chapman, Jan Kirk, Gladys Conklin, Kathy Cheek, Marilyn Newcomer; top row: Faye Sessoms, Leslie Henson. Not pictured: Mary Lou Goss, Ruth Windorski

B. Brown

Greetings for the new year! It’s the perfect time of year to acknowledge people’s accomplishments, so we at PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) want to highlight a group known as PCCC Deacons. Every denomination of church may have a different definition and list of responsibilities for a “deacon.” From the Greek diakonos, the translation is simply “helper.” A deacon is a person from the church membership without a professional degree in ministry, yet they possess a “heart” for ministry and are selected by the church to provide services for the congregation.

Every church is comprised of people with varied personal skills, career backgrounds, talents, and gifts. PCCC Deacons are those who enjoy serving God and feel “a call” to help others. Deacons watch for the needs within the church body. Sometimes the Deacons are called the “hands and feet” of Christ as they deliver supplies and meals, and sit alongside and communicate with those who find themselves needing comfort.

In this picture we recognize the PCCC Deacons who offered their time and helping hands in the past year. Usually comprised of a dozen people, this group has remembered special dates like birthdays and anniversaries of each church member. Deacons are often the first to know who is in need of anything from prayer to a phone call, who needs a get-well card, a visit, or a meal. Additional congregational members help on occasion to make and deliver meals or assist with other services as requested by the Deacon coordinator. The recorded data for PCCC Deacons service from January through September 2023 reveals: Visits-341, Calls-531, Emails and Texts-235, Cards-382, Meals-25. PCCC says a heartfelt “thank you” for the important work these dedicated individuals have accomplished.

Deacons serve with humility, loving one another in all circumstances. They meet monthly to review efforts and plan for the month ahead. The PCCC Deacon Board also supports a ministry for the homeless by making sleeping mats. If you crochet or like to recycle plastic bags, you can participate. See on the Outreach tab.

We are thankful to have a vibrant church right within PebbleCreek. If you are looking for a place to learn from the Bible, hear and share spiritual life experiences from other men and women, or sing praises to your Lord, join us for Worship. PebbleCreek Community Church meets every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom.