PebbleCreek Car Club update

Linda Babcock

The year ended with a festive holiday party that included dinner and a somewhat wild gift exchange with thirty of our closest car enthusiasts. The morning of December 10, several of our PebbleCreek Car Club members drove dignitaries in the Goodyear parade. January 7 will be our first meeting of the new year. Our meetings are held the first Monday of the month in the Capri Room, Tuscany Falls meeting rooms at 7:00 p.m. Anyone who has a classic car or a special newer car or an interest in cars is welcome. Several fun events are planned for the upcoming year. Each month we like to get out on the road and do something entertaining. Of course, this is in addition to club meetings, car shows and special events focusing on cars. We look forward to the new year and meeting new friends. For additional information, you can call Charlie Miller, President, at 623-734-6011.