Linda Babcock
The PebbleCreek Car Club is off to a racing start for 2020. We held our first meeting in January basically as a planning meeting for the year. Members were encouraged to participate by suggesting places they would enjoy visiting or places they like to eat. Several ideas were presented. In February, 22 members and guests will enjoy lunch in downtown Phoenix followed by a visit to the Phoenix Art Museum, viewing the race car exhibit “Legends of Speed”. February and March are busy months for car shows. Members will attend several shows from Peoria to Sun City West to Mesa and Estrella. Spring will see us on the road to Wickenburg for our annual outing. Our club picnic will be held in April and this promises to be a great gathering of friends. The common thread for this club is an interest in cars and a desire to go on drives within our community. Our monthly meetings generally have a speaker who provides miscellaneous auto services. Anyone who has an interest in cars is welcome to join us. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month in the Capri Room, Tuscany Falls meeting rooms at 7 p.m. For additional information, you can call Charlie Miller, President, at 623-734-6011.