PebbleCreek Car Club Board Members Jerry Tarkowski, Bernie Babcock and Charlie Miller presented a check to Nancy Perry Productions to benefit the family of fallen Office David Glasser.
Linda Babcock
The hot weather of summer did not slow our car club members down. Car shows have slowed down during the day; however, evening shows have become popular. The Peoria Firefighters held their annual Fire It Up 2016 Car Show on May 21 in the early morning. Club members then met for a drive to the Co-op Grill in Arlington, Arizona. After lunch, several members drove over the historic Gillespie Bridge before the country drive home. A charity auction and car show benefitting the family of fallen officer David Glasser was held on May 24 where a check presentation was made from board members of the PebbleCreek Car Club. Several club members participate in the Wednesday evening hot rod car show in Glendale at the Desert Rose Pizza and Gastro Pub. A final get-together before the summer hiatus was a breakfast gathering at the Haymaker Restaurant in Goodyear. Meetings will begin again on October 3 in the Tuscany Falls meeting room. For information relative to the PebbleCreek Car Club, contact President Charlie Miller at 623-734-6011.