Nancy Herrem
The PCBDC Membership Drive Dance will be held in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on January 27. For those renewing their membership, or those becoming new members, your ticket to our January dance is free.
Board members will be at the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk 10:00 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays, January 10, 17 and 24 and Thursdays, January 12 and 19 to pay your membership dues and receive your tickets.
First, pay your membership dues of $15 per person, step over and show your receipt to select your table and receive your free ticket(s) to the January 27 dance. Remember we are a ballroom dance club, so Waltz, Foxtrot, Rhumba, Cha Cha, Swing and an occasional Tango or Bolero will be played.
For those of you not wishing to become a member, tickets are available at the regular non-member casual dance price of $15 per person, but future casual dance tickets for members will be discounted a minimum of $5 per person and dinner dance tickets a minimum of $10 per person.
So, come dance with us on Friday, January 27 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom; tables of 10 will be available. At 6:00 p.m. our Registration Table and Future Dance Ticket Sales (February 25 dance) will open in the lobby, plus a Cash Bar. PCBDC favorite Manuel Dorantes will perform 7:00 until 10:00 p.m. for your dancing pleasure (we suggest country club casual attire).
Our February 25 dinner buffet dance hosts will be selling tickets at the Future Dance Sales Table. The Tuscany Falls Ballroom will again be the scene of our February dance with tables of 10 and music provided by the Terry McFee Orchestra. Look for more detailed information, including ticket sale dates/times at the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk in February’s edition of the PebbleCreek Post.
Note: First Kiosk day of ticket sales is Tuesday, January 31, 10:00 a.m. to noon.
2016 membership in PCBDC may be obtained through May. For those that like to plan ahead, be sure to pick up one of our 2017 PCBDC Dance Schedule flyers.