Charlene Romanos
The PebbleCreek Art Club is proud to make available interesting and unique art classes to all members of our community. These classes offer the ability to learn and progress in many of the current mediums offered in today’s art scene. It is not an easy task to find instructors who have the ability to teach, motivate, and inspire. Fortunately for our club and community, the VPs of Education – Louis Stifter, Carol Jones, and Diane Walenda – are in constant search of such artists. This year’s class schedule includes many instructors who have the qualifications they prefer. Listed below are some of the classes currently scheduled for 2020.
Feb. 4: Have Fun Painting, YOU Pick the Medium; Bonnie Kitchens
Feb. 5: Rocks, Cliffs and Mountains, Only a Stone’s Throw Away; David Flitner
Feb. 14: Creating Paper Art, Water Media; Sue Hunter
Feb. 20: Alcohol Inks on Canvas Board; Dottie Mitchell
March 5: Zentangle Basics and Beyond; Antonine Koval
March 13: Potpourri-Water Media; Sue Hunter
April 2: Fantasy Faces; Nadine Larder
April 4: Fabulous Florals in Colored Pencil; Barbara Dahlstedt
Many other additional classes will become available throughout the year and be announced in the PC Post and on the website. Complete class and registration information can be found on the club website,