Elizabeth McCarthy
Elizabeth McCarthy, Artist of the Winter Season
Elizabeth McCarthy grew up in East Troy, Wis., a small town in the southeastern part of the Midwestern state. As a child, she loved drawing and painting, which led her on a circuitous artistic journey.
While Elizabeth majored in art education at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, she didn’t become an art teacher. Instead, she took a detour and became a flight attendant for Northwest Airlines (now Delta Airlines) and moved from Wisconsin to Minneapolis, Minn.
Later, taking another detour, Elizabeth went back to school to earn the licenses required to be an investment advisor, which she did for 20 years.
Upon retiring, Elizabeth loved to travel. She often visited former school friends who lived in PebbleCreek. Discovering the PebbleCreek Creative Arts Center, she rented in the community for four years and finally purchased a home 11 years ago.
In PebbleCreek, she discovered a wonderful, active art center and inspirational art community. Having come full circle on her art journey and with the help of so many of the members of the PebbleCreek Art Club, she started taking painting and drawing classes and became an active member of the club.
She has produced beautiful landscapes, taken seminars from professional artists, won awards with her art, sold some paintings, and been a mentor to others in the art club. She especially enjoys working with pastels. She has won the People’s Choice Award and First Place awards in the pastel category at the PebbleCreek annual art show.
This Season Artist exhibit is entitled Winter Wonderland, representing Elizabeth’s paintings of the winter snow season of the Upper Midwest.
Elizabeth divides her time between PebbleCreek and Minnesota where her children and three grandsons live.

The Art Club thanks Kenetico, which donates and installs a water purifier system worth $895. The basket included a “Money Cake” made of 250 dollar bills!
Art Show Raffle Basket Winners
Emily Grotta
Thanks to all who support the show! The raffle of six gift baskets, each of which includes an original painting by a member of the PebbleCreek Art Club, is an important source of funding for the annual Art Show Sale. Thanks to the club members who assembled the baskets and to everyone who purchased tickets. Maybe your luck will be better next year!
Basket 1: Buon Appetito! Value $700, included a painting by Hillary Fiscus. Winner: Vicki Sharp
Basket 2: Wine Lovers Basket. Value $450, painting by Cheryl Wagner. Winner: Terry Bravo
Basket 3: Happiness Is Playing Mahjong! Value $525, painting by Diana Horton-Smith. Winner: Joan Trost
Basket 4: Arizona Party On the Patio. Value $575, painting by Sylvia Armstrong. Winner: MaryAnne Pankov
Basket 5: The Big Kahuna! Value $1,250, painting by Michael Dawson. Winner: Nate Watkins
Basket 6: Everything Is Coming Up Roses, His and Hers Pamper Me Spa Basket. Value $620, painting by Donna Mund-Gustafson. Winner: Della Domingo

An example of Diana Horton-Smith’s “Mindful Doodling”
New Year Starts with Many Classes and New Instructors
Emily Grotta
With the holidays behind us, Art Club members will be busy with a host of classes for artists from beginner to advanced. While classes are open to all PebbleCreek residents, nonmembers always pay $20 more per class. With membership just $25 a year, it pays to become an Art Club member if you plan to take more than one class.
Two artists will join the roster of instructors, introducing innovative ideas and techniques to students.
Barbara Dahstedt, a renowned colored pencil artist, is looking forward to sharing her passion to create realistic fine art. She is a Signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of America and vice-president of the Phoenix Chapter.
Mallory Condrath, a Visual Arts educator at Millennium High School, has taught a variety of art courses over the years, specializing in mixed media and modern, abstract portraiture. Her artwork uses layers to create depth and emotion.
Returning instructors include Edward Sprafkin, who teaches landscape classes in all media; Carla Cebrelli, graphite pencil drawing; Carol MacDonald, an abstract art teacher; Beth Zink, an acrylic artist known for her brilliant colors; and Janet Nunn, returns to teach a watercolor class. In addition, members Shoray Wolfe, Diana Horton-Smith, and Emily Grotta will be teaching.
Details including costs, supplies, and other information can be found online at pcartclub.org—just look for the classes and events calendar.
January Classes
Jan. 4: Colored Pencils with Barbara Dahlstedt. The first of two classes with this talented and awarded artist, students will learn fast strategies to draw with colored pencils on drafting film.
Jan. 9: Mindful Doodling with Diana Horton-Smith. The Zentangle method of drawing structured patterns is easy to learn and very relaxing. This popular class always fills quickly.
Jan. 11: Modern Portraiture in Mixed Media with Mallory Condrath. Unleash your creativity as you explore portraiture through the lens of modern mixed media.
Jan. 14: Graphite Pencil Drawing with Carla Cebrelli. Experienced artists call this class “a must” for artists at all levels.
Jan. 17 & 18: Exploring Texture Abstract in Art with Carol McDonald. Experiment to learn how texture enhances abstract paintings.
Jan. 21: Acrylic Painting for Beginners with Shoray Wolf. This class is for beginners who want to learn about acrylic painting. All supplies included!
Jan. 25: Modern Portraiture in Mixed Media with Mallory Condrath. See Jan. 11.
February Classes
Feb. 1: Modern Portraiture in Mixed Media with Mallory Condrath. See Jan. 11.
Feb. 6: Arizona Sunset with Beth Zink. Follow the artist through her process to develop bright and vibrant colors. All materials supplied.
Feb. 8: Colored Pencils with Barbara Dahlstedt. See Jan. 4.
Feb. 11: Graphite Pencil Drawing with Carla Cebrelli. See Jan. 14.
Feb. 14 & 15: Landscape Painting with Edward Sprafkin.
Feb. 20: Watercolors with Janet Nunn.
Feb. 22: Introduction to Oil Painting with Emily Grotta. A members-only workshop for beginners.

“Sweet Dreams” by Jane Myers captured first prize in the Art Show’s Special Challenge: “What are your wildest dreams?”
Congratulations to Our Winning Artists!
Emily Grotta
Once again, the PebbleCreek Art Club displayed the impressive artistic talent that lives in our community at the Fall Art Show and Sale. More than 100 works in all mediums were shown, reflecting the diversity of the club’s artists as well as the wide range of classes offered by the club.
Three independent judges spent several hours reviewing the works before awarding ribbons, which come with financial rewards. The number of awards in a given category depends on the number of pieces submitted in the category. We are proud to share with you these winners, whose works can be seen on the Art Club’s website at pcartclub.org.
First Prize: Candis Kloverstrom, “He’s Got This”
Second Prize: Diana Ho, “Majestic Beauty”
Special Challenge on the theme “What are your wildest dreams?”
First Prize: Jane Myers, “Sweet Dreams”
Second Prize: Donna Mund-Gustafson, “Reef Adventure”
Third Prize: Diana Ho, “My Dream Sanctuary”
Honorable Mention: Richard Tighe, “Indian Headdress”
Acrylic Painting
First Prize: Kathy Sork, “Mardi Gras”
Second Prize: Shoray Wolfe, “Arizona Sunsets”
Third Prize: Marsha Lisle, “Arizona Sunset”
Honorable Mention: Viki Nickels, “Controlled Chaos”
Oil Painting
First Prize: Roxanna Carffaratto, “Elegance in Flight”
Second Prize: Linda Brelje, “Dream Woods”
Third Prize: Emily Grotta, “Lazy Days of Summer”
First Prize: Betty Jean Kennedy, “Cucumber Cool:
Watercolor Painting
First Prize: Mary Dohmeir, “Prickly Pear”
Second Prize: Kathy Craig, “God’s Kisses”
Mixed Media
First Prize: Diana Horton-Smith, “Embroidery Whimsy”
Second Prize: Kathy Sork, “Home Grown”
Third Prize: Charlene Roman, “Rust”
Colored Pencils
First Prize: Donna Mund-Gustafson, “Paws in Motion”
First Prize: Gary Kotula, “Remington Steel”
Three Dimensional
First Prize: Richard Tigue, “Spirals”
Emerging Artist
Honorable Mention: Colleen McMaster, “Watcha’ Thinking”
We thank all the residents and guests who came to the show, particularly those who purchased works for their homes. We also thank the generosity of the sponsors, who support so many activities in PebbleCreek:
* Arete Financial Solutions
* Burkhart Realty
* Desert Sage Landscaping
* Southwest Golf Carts
* Catitude Arts
* Free Spirit Vacations
* Lupo Airport Services
* Osborne Jewelers
* Pino’s Construction
* Rapid Roofing and Pigeon Control
* Roanoke Rental LLC
* Argent Solar Electric Inc.
* Juice Plus
* TNT Lighting Pros
* West Valley Air Conditioning & Heating
* Kinetico Water Systems
* Maggie and George Phillippon
* Gustafson Family
* Julie Kelly
* Loretta Pruett
The next PebbleCreek Art Club show will be Friday, March 28. This is a different kind of show, as artists will show numerous works and are present to discuss their works with you. We hope you’ll mark your calendar!