Carol Burford
2024 PebbleCreek Artist of the Year, Carol Burford
The PebbleCreek Art Club is pleased to honor Carol Burford with the Artist of the Year Award for 2024. This prestigious award is based on the following criteria: the artist’s body of artwork is considered and reviewed, the artist must exhibit creative growth and consistent development of artistic skills, and the artist must be an active club member.
Carol is a native of Southern California and came to PebbleCreek in 1997. From the time she was a child, Carol has always loved to draw. When her four children were small, she took an evening oil painting class. She was so excited about painting, that after class—at 10 p.m.—she would arrive home and continue painting for hours.
Since moving to PebbleCreek, Carol continued painting enthusiastically. She began by faux painting walls, then creating murals, and ultimately taking up painting in acrylic. Carol is attracted to acrylic paint because there are no chemicals involved, it dries fast, and she loves the bright colors.
Carol bravely does exceptionally large paintings in acrylic on canvas. Her style is easy to recognize. She has taken many classes, including long time participation in Bill Cupit and Bonnie Kitchens workshops. She expanded her creative abilities into alcohol inks and has excelled in a medium many find daunting.
Carol’s quality art, willing attitude to help, and years of dedication to the Art Club make Carol a deserving recipient of the Artist of the Year award.
Carol’s beautiful work will be on display in the Creative Art Center for the month of February 2025.

Cathy Lai
February Artist of the Month: Cathy Lai
Cathy Lai
In a million years, I never dreamed that I would be able to pick up a brush to paint for real.
Growing up, my family ran a rice farm in Taiwan, so we were by no means rich. My parents worked very hard to put food on the table and pay for our school tuition. When I was in junior high, families and friends were aware of my artistic talent, but becoming an artist was not an option for me. I believed it wasn’t a financially stable profession, and my dad couldn’t afford to buy those pricey supplies. He even struggled to provide the small pencils that I needed for my homework. In the old days, there was only one path I could follow: Study hard, work hard, and succeed.
I moved to Portland, Ore., from Taipei, Taiwan, in 2000 with my ex and my daughter. I went to a community college while I simultaneously owned a dollar store. When the marriage fell apart, we sold our business, and I worked for Wells Fargo. After I graduated from college, I fortunately got a job offer at Daimler/Freightliner Truck as a 3D/2D Design Engineer. During the design process, I used my creative abilities to work on anything from 3D bracket designs with heavy cables to 2D dimensioning drawing, then finished on colorful PowerPoint presentations for manufacturing.
Working 10 to 12 hours daily, I felt a health warning signal that was silently approaching me. I met my husband Mark in 2020, and we were married two years later. Mark convinced me to take a break from the job I loved, and we moved to PebbleCreek. One morning, we decided to check out the Creative Arts Center. I was caught by the art created by all the clubs, especially the painting Art Club—Bingo!
I joined Fused Glass first, then gravitated towards the Art Club. The second year, I humbly accepted the VP of Education/Instructor’s position to serve the club and work with all the talented artists and instructors from inside and out with all the mediums. Since then, I have been learning and tremendously growing my art skills while recruiting the best instructors in town as I can at a reasonable cost for club members.
I am open to all painting mediums but favor acrylic and oil paints. I like the rich and thick paints on the canvas that I can varnish to maintain the freshness of the colors forever. Sophisticated modern abstract painting is more my style, but I like landscape as well, especially when mixed with an Arizona sunset. Who can refuse that spectacular southwest beauty?
Art has transformed how I view the objects I see daily. Today, I can even see beauty out of a piece of dead wood.

The Doo Dads entertained members of the PebbleCreek Art Club at the November Mid-Month Mingle. The group’s participants are, from left, Gary Kotula, Vince Copolla, Caroline Croy, and Gene Fioretti.
Art Club: Getting to Know You
While the Art Club’s focus is helping members improve their art, there’s no reason not to have fun as well!
One regular social activity for members-only is the “Mid-Month Mingle.” In November, Gary and Jean Kotula added a special touch by hosting members on their patio. A highlight of the afternoon was a performance by The Doo Dads, who entertained everyone with their beautiful acapella doo-wop renditions. It was such a success the club hopes to continue these events in private settings.
Other members-only events include monthly “First Friday lunches,” monthly critique and sketchers groups, and workshops in various mediums. Members also may participate in field trips and annual art shows.
Membership is only $25 a year, and members get a $20 discount on all classes. Why not come to the new members open house from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb.8. (see accompanying article for details).

Edward Sprafkin gives a demonstration in each class to teach composition, technique, and other important art guidelines. Students work in their chosen medium.
February Art Club Classes and Events
Emily Grotta
February will be a busy month at the Creative Arts Center, with art classes in various mediums as well as several member-only events, a benefit of belonging to the club. In addition, Open Studio is held every Tuesday through Saturday except when there is a class. So, whether you are already a member or thinking of joining, please see which of these classes appeal to you!
Please consult the classes and event calendar on the PebbleCreek Art Club website, PCArtClub.org, for costs, supply lists, and other information.
Feb. 1: Modern Portraiture in Mixed Media with Mallory Condrath. “Modern Mixed Media Portraiture.” Unleash your creativity as you explore portraiture through the lens of modern mixed media.
Feb. 6: Arizona Sunset with Beth Zink. Follow this famous acrylic artist known for her brilliant colors through her process to develop bright and vibrant colors. All materials supplied.
Feb. 8: Colored Pencils with Barbara Dahlstedt. Discover the joy of creating your very own colored pencil treasures from an award-winning artist and teacher. This class is designed for beginning to advanced artists.
Feb. 11: Graphic Pencil Drawing with Carla Cebrelli. Experienced artists call this class “a must” for artists at all levels.
Feb. 14 & 15: Painting Mentorship—All Media/All Subjects with Edward Sprafkin. The fundamentals of impressionistic representational painting in oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, and gouache. Paint from your own reference photo or from one supplied by the instructor.
Feb. 20: Spring Flowers in Liquid Watercolors with Janet Nunn. The instructor will paint with Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus Watercolors. Great for students just starting out in watercolor, as well as a perfect way for the seasoned painter to learn something new.
Feb. 22: Introduction to Oil Painting with Emily Grotta. A members-only workshop for beginners. All supplies included! Just bring yourself, an apron, and paper towels.
Also in February for members only:
Feb. 7: First Friday lunch
Feb. 12: All mediums critique
Feb. 13: Sketchers workshop
Feb. 28: Monthly PCAC Meeting