Some of the 2019 PCMGA volunteers (left to right): Arnie Lawrence, Greg Harris, Mike Christensen, Mike Moy, Bill Simmons and John McCrickard.
Howie Tiger
The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association would like to recognize and thank the many PCMGA members that volunteer their time to register players for weekly tournaments, including most of the Majors.
Each week several volunteers show up super early in the morning darkness to handle registration duties. Those duties include checking off players’ names, collecting tournament fees, handing out scorecards and reconciling fees collected. Prior to the use of Golf Genius, these members also assisted in scoring upon completion of play. There are usually two volunteers at registration but in some instances, we may have up to four or five.
They also handle a variety of questions from players such as “What hole am I starting on?”, “Am I on the right course?”, “Do you know the guys I’m playing with?” and the ever popular, “Where should I park my cart?”
Mike Moy is the guy to thank for organizing the volunteers. He spends numerous hours recruiting, communicating and scheduling. Speaking of scheduling, when we have a large or full field and we need more than 18 holes, Mike needs to schedule registration volunteers for two locations (Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls). It gets a little complicated when say all four volunteers for a particular event are playing at the same course, yet two of them need to cover registration at the other course.
These volunteers are required to show up 75 minutes prior to starting time. In the summer that means 6:15 a.m.! For the volunteers to complete the registration process and still have a chance to warm up for play, it is absolutely imperative for players to show up and register on time (latest being 30-minutes before tee time). The players that are late risk being shut out for the next week’s event. Worse than that, the late player is cheating the volunteers out of their warm-up time.
So, we want to recognize these guys for their time and effort and when you see them just say thanks!
Current registration volunteers in alpha order: Andy Banister, Bill Baxter, Lowell Bennett, John Birds, Larry Blackburn, Ray Catalano, Mike Christensen, Sam Fasler, Wayne Fleming, Mike Hargreaves, Greg Harris, Larry Hartsook, Skip Holmes, Arnie Lawrence, John McCrickard, Doug McFarland, David Morse, Mike Moy, Bob Newell, John Pannell, Bob Parise, Wolf Penz, Paul Polk, Jim Pollock, Gino Rinalli, Tom Reynolds, Bob Schimelpfening, Ken Schumacher, Bill Simmons, Phil Smyth, Jim Stephens, John Stergulz and Bill Warmath.
Thanks also to all those past volunteers. We could not run these events without you.
The PCMGA is always looking for volunteers. We have over 500 members and the 33 guys listed above represent only 6% of our membership. Please contact Mike Moy at [email protected] if you are thinking about volunteering!