2024 chipping contest at PCMGA Member/Guest Tourney

2024 putting contest at PCMGA Member/Guest Tourney
Howie Tiger
On April 24 and April 25, the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) provided Skills Contests as part of the Member/Guest Tournament.
On the 24th, a putting contest was conducted on the large putting green. Each player hit two putts to a hole (from one side of the green to the other), a distance of 132 feet. Prizes were awarded for four places for closest putt in member category as well as in guest category. Also on the 24th, a chipping contest was played, hitting a shot from the West Course black tee to the chipping green, a distance of 59 yards. Prizes were awarded for four places for closest chip in member category as well as in guest category.
On the 25th, an optional chipping contest was conducted. Players paid $5 to enter and qualified for the finals by hitting a par 3 in regulation during match play (either hole number 16 West or hole number 17 East, depending on which course they were playing). The finals were conducted in the same manner as the April 24 chipping contest. Prizes were awarded for five places for closest chip irrespective of member or guest category.
April 24 Putting Contest:
Member: 1st place—Jeff Dines, 2nd place—Bob Burghdorf, 3rd place—Mike Hargreaves, and 4th place—Ray Catalano.
Guest: 1st place—Dan Falagrady, 2nd place—Joe Reiser, 3rd place—Chris Bernard, and 4th place—Aaron Berg.
April 24 Chipping Contest:
Member: 1st place—Martin Lerum, 2nd place—Joe Little, 3rd place—Steve Temple, and 4th place—Dean Goupil.
Guest: 1st place—Tony Smith, 2nd place—Dick Machacek, 3rd place—Martin Lopez, and 4th place—Jim Anderson.
April 25 Chipping Contest:
1st place—Matt Haid, 2nd place—Troy Schaefer, 3rd place—Tom Hume, 4th place—Jerry Treece, and 5th place—Tom Dingman.
The PCMGA would like to thank the volunteers involved in the Skills Challenge: Putting—Barb McKinney, Mary Falso, and Theresa Mc Dowell; Chipping—Jeannie Place, Chrissy Bridges, Jackie Nigh, and Marilyn Reynolds; and Raffle—Pam Schunke, Mary Pinski, Mary Harris, Monica Lee, and Carrie Grein.