PCMGA Holds 2025 Presidents Cup Match Play Competition

Presidents Cup team captains Kurt Eleam (left) and Joe Grande

Howie Tiger

The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) held its annual “Ryder Cup” style tourney pitting two 122-man teams against each other over three days of competition. The event was played on Jan. 9, 11, and 16 and used two PebbleCreek courses each day. Kurt Eelam, PCMGA president, captained one team and Joe Grande, vice president, captained the other.

To create the 2-man teams for rounds one and two, the “form your own team” sign-up process allowed buddies to play together. Both players had to play from the same set of tees.

Each winning match was worth one point with a tie worth a ½ point. A total of 244 points were for the taking in the overall competition.

Day 1: The format for this round was one best-ball of partners. Thirtyone 2-man team matches were played at Eagles Nest and another 30 at Tuscany Falls East. Team Eleam took the lead winning 26 matches while Team Grande won 25. Ten matches were tied. So, on day 1, Eleam earned 31 points versus Grande’s 30 points. Incredibly close!

Day 2: The format for this round was modified alternate shot. On each team, both players hit a drive, then the best drive selected. Then they alternated until the ball is holed. There was a 9-drive max per player. The teams that played Eagles Nest on Day 1 played West on Day 2. The teams that played East on Day 1 played Eagles Nest. Team Eleam won 30 matches while Team Grande won 29. Four matches were tied. So, on Day 2, Eleam added 31 points versus Grande’s 30 points. Only a 2-point separation going into the final round!

Day 3: The format for the final round was “Singles” aka individual matches with 60 matches played on the East course and 62 on the West course. A total of 122 points was at stake. With only a 2-point separation, the 2025 Presidents Cup was up for grabs. All individuals on both teams gave it their all. Both Team Eleam and Team Grande won 53 matches. Sixteen matches were tied. So on Day 3, both teams tied earning 61 points! How close was that?!

The final point tally was Team Eleam with 123 points and Team Grande with 121 points. The closest match in history.

Prior Presidents Cup Results:

2022: Team Abercrombie – 130.5 vs Team Schumacher 109.5

2023: Team Stipp – 123 vs Team Abercrombie 113

2024: Team Stipp – 139 vs Team Eleam 117

The winning totals were announced in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom where beer was served. Prizes were awarded to winners of each match as well as to members of the overall winning team.

Both captains want to thank Mike Mason and Clint Hull for all the work they did together on setting up the matches. Lots of time involved for sure.

Congrats to the winners!