PCMGA Goofy Golf Winners, left to right: Jim Wolff, Jan Cralle, Brian Lorenzo, and Joe Gruenwald
Howie Tiger
On May 12, the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) held their annual “goofy golf” tourney on the Eagle’s Nest course. This is a fun event where the members play from all sorts of teeing areas and the holes are placed in precarious positions. The format was a four-man team scramble with a three-drive minimum for each player. A total of 128 players participated.
“Goofy” is a perfect description. On four holes (holes 3, 8, 12, and 17) there was not even a flagstick. A couple even had multiple holes cut on the green. Players hit to the green without knowing where the hole was cut. The idea was to hit the green and then choose the closest hole to putt to.
The tees were set in unusual places. For instance, on hole number 1, the tee was actually on the driving range and players had to hit their drives between or over trees to get to the first fairway. On hole number 6, the tee was very close to some big trees. Goofy golf became synonymous with “scary” golf! Every color tee (black, blue, white, and red) was used somewhere on the course. Several tees were set on sides of hills.
The pin placements were dastardly. Several were set on side hills or super close to the edge of the greens. But holes 1, 5, 8, 14, 16, and 18 were the most devious as they were set on “skee-ball” type locations. In some instances the only way to make the putt was to putt beyond the hole and watch the ball roll back hopefully into the hole. We instituted a double par max score to move play along (but really to save teams from embarrassment!).
(All teams competed in one flight with 13 teams cashing)
1st place: Brian Lorenzo, Jim Wolff, Jan Cralle, and Joe Gruenwald
2nd place: Reuben Rivera, Ernie Guillaume, Roger Pierson, and Charlie Hemphill
3rd place: Eric Pearson, Barry Stauffer, Chuck Gustafson, and Michael Clune
4th place: Howard Atkinson, Sherman Leach, Richard Holbeck, and Doug Goodin
5th place: Tom Scheel, Steve Straley, Jim Bundschuh, and Jim Herman
6th place: David Burkhalter, Dave O’Sadnick, Mike McGue, and Brian Wagner
Immediately after play, the members were provided sandwiches, chips, a chocolate chip cookie, and beer at Sunrise Park. It was a beautiful setting on a great weather day.
The PCMGA wants to thank Ken Schumacher and Clint Hull for the fun setup of the course. They also want to thank Art Krudener for all his work in setting up Sunrise Park for food and beverage. Awesome job, Art!