White Flight winners, left to right: Tim Munson, Dave Savage, Willard Bradshaw, Tom Clark
Erv Stein
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) launched our first 2025 event with about 140 highly enthused golfers participating in our Winter Scramble format conducted at our Tuscany Falls East Course. A total of 35 foursome teams, divided into Red and White Flights, with foursome team scoring based upon the best drive or pitch or putt for each hole. For each foursome team, one drive was required from each team member which can be a “Make or Break” facture. More often than not, a team member may be having a rough day with his initial drives all the way to the last hole, and if this final drive to meet the one drive rule per team member is disastrously poor, this often makes the difference from winning and winding up way down in the result column. The team result for each foursome received net adjustments based upon the prevailing team cumulative handicaps with the higher handicapped teams receiving more adjustments as indicated to ensure a level playing field.
As expected, the team scoring results for both flights was extremely close with several team scores bunched up near the top and tie breaking rules were incorporated to determine the winning foursomes. Several teams attained net Birdies and a few net Eagle scores occurred, most notable was the Eagle on hole number 14 by the winning White Flight team consisting of Dave Savage, Tim Munson, Willard Bradshaw, and Tom Clark. Most notably Dave Savage was credited with possibly among the best shots in some time with his Eagle second shot on hole 14 about 120 yards from the green utilizing his 9 iron. “Wow!”
Congratulations to the winning foursomes for both the Red and White Flights:
Front Nine, Red Flight First Place: Phillip Stegmann, Alan Hatfield, Randy Prinz, Dan Peterson, 10 under par, net 26
Back Nine, White Flight First Place: Tim Munson, Dave Savage, Willard Bradshaw, Tom Clark, 9 under par, net 27
Following our Scramble Tournament event, many of us gathered at the newly opened Westwind outdoor bar patio area and winning team members were congratulated and photos were taken.