The Niners played their final summer series tournament wearing autumn orange and then celebrating with a breakfast buffet.
Mark Eichkorn
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) played the fourth and final leg of their summer series “We Survived Summer,” a four-man team Stableford tournament, consisting of 15 teams. Bill Hill, Russ Georgesen, Clifford Crooks, and Stan Fuller were the victorious team. Tom Booth provided the best single highlight of the day with a hole-in-one, on the 8th hole, a 154-yard shot with a 6 iron. Players wore their autumn orange and celebrated with a breakfast buffet to complete the series. Thanks to Ray Clements and a team of volunteers who ran the four tournaments.
Earlier in the month the league held a four-man team 2/3/4 Low Net tournament, which was won by Mark Eichkorn, Steve Roseman, Jim Tackett, and Mike Hurst.
With the PebbleCreek courses closing in October for winter seeding, the Niners will play 18 holes at both the Verrado Founders course and at Falcon Dunes. November kicks off the new season with the Gary Lord Veterans Day tournament, followed up by a Welcome Back Snowbirds Block Party. The event will feature a four-man scramble followed by a “block party” with all league members at Sunrise Park. Hit ’em long and straight!